
Undead Champions
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Hero Classes
New!  Felknight

Isn't he awesome?

Races: Blood Elfs, Orcs, Humans
Primary Weapons: One-handed Axes, Two-handed Axes, Two-handed Maces, Two-handed Swords
Secondary Weapons: Daggers, Bow, Thrown
Armor: Leather, Plate

The Felknight Hero Class is a powerful tank and caster. Felknights main role in groups is to take out multiply enemies at once by chargeing its weapon with Fel energy. Felknights count on there Fel eneergy to cancel out all its enemies buffs and draining an enemies HP into Fel energy. The Felknight has a ability to transform in a Pit Lord of there chooseing until they die. In Pit Lord form the Felknight has all Pit Lord Abilities like  doom stomp, sweeping cleave, and tail sweep abilities to take out enemies quickly. The Felknight uses its Fel Energy to increase its Melee damage. Overall, Felknights have the power to take out all the minons in an Instance then the Group takes on the Boss.

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In Pit Lord form

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