- Government: Dictatorship.
- Ruler: Kel’Thuzad, Lich Lord of the Plaguelands
- Affiliation: Scourge.
The city of Stratholme was the northernmost city of the Kingdom of
Lordaeron, and was the city where the Order of the Silver Hand was founded.
The Scourge’s capital in Lordaeron, Stratholme is a city of evil and
dark magic. Once a great human city, the mad Prince Arthas ravaged Stratholme in the Third War and the undead moved in soon
after. Kel’Thuzad raised undead structures among the human ruins and his necropolis, Naxxramas, floats above the city
and pours its foul vapors into the streets. Undead and necromancers control the city while gargoyles and frost wyrms patrol
the sky. Noxious orange mist oozes from the buildings and poisons living creatures, transforming them into servants of the
Scourge. Kel’Thuzad’s rule here is absolute, and from here he stretches his skeletal hands to control the surrounding
plaguelands.WoWRPG 20
The largest city after Lordaeron's capital, Stratholme was destroyed by Prince Arthas in the opening hours of the Third War, as he massacred the city's citizenry after they were infected by the Plague of Undeath. Stratholme burns to this day, and its districts have been split between the
overzealous Scarlet Crusade led by Grand Crusader Dathrohan, and the Scourge forces led by the death knight Baron Rivendare.
It is interesting to note that there is a Raid Instance portal at the end
of the instance, outside the building in which Baron Rivendare resides. This cannot lead to Naxxramas, as it is floating above the city, though the teleporter may have once been
meant to be inside the ruins. There are ruined flags carrying the insignia of Lordaeron inside the tunnel, which are not seen anywhere else inside Stratholme.
According to information released by Tigole, a fourth Caverns of Time wing will be opened in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, and it will be set in Stratholme at the time shortly before its destruction. In the Caverns of Time instance it is believed
that you will follow Arthas through assisting him in clearing the city of undead invasion.